
Example of Interval package in Octave




The project show several examples about interval computing in Octave.



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Interval package of Octave

Author: Xuefeng LIU, 2021/1/1

In this notebook, let us introduce the interval package of Octave for the purpose of verified computing under the interval airthmetic.

Computing under the interval arithmetic produces rigourous numerical results, which can be applied in mathematical proof. There are several implementation of interval arithmetic in C/C++, MATLAB, Octave, Python and other language. Ganjin platform provides the interval package of Octave, which is under the GPL-3.0+ license and can be used freely. This package has limited functions, compared with INTLAB (developed by S.R. Rump, in MATLAB and Octave languages), but is a good choice for beginners to the interval arithmetic.

The official documentation of interval package for Octave is here: https://octave.sourceforge.io/interval/package_doc/

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About Machine Type

The machine with type as "n1-standard-1" has 1 CPU Core and 4GB memory. The Google app compute engine provides a detailed guide of the machine type. For more detailed information, please refer to More detail.
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