
Discontinuous coefficient of Poisson's equation with hypercricle




The project demonstrate how to use hypercircle method to obtain a posteriori and a priori error estimation for the Poisson equation with non-continuous cofficients.



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Hypercircle method for the poseriori and the priori error estimation for Poisson's equation with discontinuous coefficients.

Basic settings

Xuefeng LIU (2024)

The problems for computation are limited to the ones on a square domain with four sub-domains:

$$ \Omega = \Omega_1 \cup \Omega_2 \cup \Omega_3 \cup \Omega_4, $$ where $$ \Omega_1 = [0,1)^2;~~ \Omega_2 = (-1,0]\times [0,1);~~ \Omega_3 = (-1,0]^2;~~ \Omega_4 = [0,1)\times (-1,0]. $$ The setting of problem is located in case folders. For example, in "case_1", the following setting is defined in "problem_setting.py":

alpha = 0.535440945602466
alpha_list = [5,1,5,1]
Coeff_A = [0.447213595499958,-0.745355992499875, -0.944117590499871,-2.401702642499717]
Coeff_B = [1.0, 2.333333333333333, 0.555555555555567, -0.481481481481390]

Step by step instruction

  • Step 1: For each computation case, configure the "problem_setting.py" in the case folder.
  • Step 2: Set the value of subdivision number N and then run all the cells in Hypercircle.ipynb.

Note: To run a different case, please clear the kernel of the notebook.


  • Case 1: alpha = 0.535440945602466; alpha_list = [5,1,5,1]
  • Case 2: alpha = 1; alpha_list = [5,1,1,5]
  • Case 3: alpha = 0.126902069722214; alpha_list = [100,1,100,1]

About the directory

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